Sunday 1 November 2009

How this blog came about

I'm Dylan, one of the two current Junior Fellows. I thought I'd set up a blog to document purely fellow happenings. The other fellow is named Olie, he is a nice boy. When we started work at UWE, the previous Fellow, Laura gave us a publication she had put together. It included helpful tit-bits of information, recipes and thoughts, all to do with being a Fellow.

It was such a lovely document that it got me thinking about how nice it would be to have a blog dedicated to being a Fellow. It's such a great job you see, that I think it would be a shame if the world didn't get to see what we are up to.

So here is the blog. In the flesh. Olie and I will be updating as and when we do exciting things. We'll also be putting up news about events that are coming up, as well as anything slightly relevant to our jobs or the course.

Hopefully the past Fellows will also contribute things too. Memories, notices, things of interest to interested parties. The past Fellows are listed on the right of the page with the most recent at the top.

Hopefully Olie and I will pass this on when our time is up.

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